Category Russell Square

Russell Square News

The spring newsletter from Friends of Russell Square is now out and available in the cafe -and also here to download. Open it for a good read.

Thanks to the volunteers in Bloomsbury Squares

Last autumn teams of volunteers planted large numbers of bulbs in Brunswick Square, Red Lion Square, Russell Square and Tavistock Square. In February, braving the weather, they were out clearing the way for the spring display to appear (as in Brunswick Square, below) . Despite the rain in March, the flowers were colourful and abundant […]

First daffodil spotted!

The very first brave daffodil pokes out of the grass and dead leaves, under blue skies in sunny but chilly Russell Square. A welcome sign of spring to come.

Playing in the New Year

If you couldn’t make it to the big parade in central London on New Year’s Day, then at least you could have heard the big band from Chatanooga High School rehearsing in Russell Square ahead of the event. Meanwhile, a robin was making its own music in one of the snake bark maples in Brunswick […]

Christmas De-lights in Russell Square

Lighting up the gloom of December – illuminations in Russell Square.

Russell Square news

The autumn newsletter from Friends of Russell Square is now out and available in the cafe -and also here to download. Open it for a good read.

Protecting the flowerbeds in Russell Square

New ‘knee rails’ are being installed in Russell Square at present, around three of the flowerbeds. The others will follow when Camden funding allows. This will delinate the beds more visually and physicallyfor pedestrians and dog owners, and hopefully prevent incursions causing damage to the planting. After the installation of the knee rails is completed […]

Picnic in the Park

Picnic in the Park is back for the second year running! Take a break from your desk and join us in Russell Square Gardens for live music, deck chairs and free picnic blankets! Across the three weeks, we’ll be joined by an array of musicians to keep you entertained, whilst you take a well-deserved break!


An afternoon of alfresco chess will take place in Russell Square on Saturday 10 June. There will be an opportunity to take on former British Champion, Grandmaster Stuart Conquest, or former British Junior Champion and International Master Malcolm Pein in a game of speed chess. Play on the Giant Chess set or enjoy friendly games […]

Reflections in the floods, Bloomsbury

The welcome sunshine this week dims the memory of the downpours last week. These great photos taken in Tavistock Square and Russell Sqaure by Tom Lee, should serve to remind you, now the floods have subsided.