‘The Story of a Victorian Megastar’ in St George’s Gardens

On Saturday October 21 at 3pm as part of the Bloomsbury Festival, actors Debbie Radcliffe and Jules Date will be telling the story of another of our graveyard’s famous occupants – Julia Betterton Glover, buried there in 1850. We’ve called this unearthing The Story of a Victorian Megastar. Mrs Glover acted on the London stage for 50 years and her story is extraordinary. The performance will be in the Gardens near the Handel Street entrance and will last about an hour. Some seats will be available, but feel free to bring a folding chair. We hope the weather will be kind but, in case not, the event will move to Holy Cross Church, Cromer Street. The event is free – all welcome. But on the day, look out for any weather updates from us at Friends of St George’s Gardens about a change of venue.

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